Fun to play if you're pulling an all-nighter, but doesn't do much to improve the genre.

User Rating: 7.1 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PS2
SH4 is a fun game, no doubt. The only problems I had with it were the fighting and the restrictions within the story. Seeing as how I'm impatient, I try to figure out the story before I let it unfold, so maybe it was just me, but the story doesn't really give you that sense of wanting to continue to the next part. There are, however, many smart and amusing things this suspense thriller allows you to do. The use of many random weapons including a 4 iron, baseball bat, and pipe keep the gameplay interesting, almost to the point of it becoming a survival game. You have so few rounds in your pistol that you don't bother to pick up any more because it sucks to run out of ammo during a fight and have to resort to a 9 iron that can break if used too much. The enemies I encountered were nothing special at all, their attacks were cheap and how they come at you is sporatic and uneventful. The animations and cut scenes are really cool to watch though, keeping you focused on what's actually going on when it seems you are aimlessly wandering. I especially enjoyed the many interactions with the surrounding environment during the game, allowing you to move things and peek through hidden holes in walls, out the window at a sign 100 yards away and dial the phone number posted on it, seeing things unfold outside of your locked and chained apartment when you know you can't do a thing about them. This game is innovative and interesting, an entertaining change from the typical horror game, in yet has enough similarities and common ground with even the most commercialized of the genre to keep it fun and playable. I would recommend this if you happen to be sick of what's currently out there as far as horror/adventure games. Check it out and see for yourself.