I can hardly belive that anyone could rate this under a 9!
Graphics are a solid 10.
Audio...can I go above 10?!
Ambience is a solid 10.
Environment another 10.
Atmosphere...holy...it's a 12.
Immersion...jeez is there anything I don't like about this game?! Another 10.
I'm not sure how bad off I will eventually be, given that I am just a few hours into the gameplay, but already I'm worrying about ammo and health and I'm playing on Normal diff. I would have waited to rate this since I'm not finished but I just got tired of the bashing. The inverted camera I get, and that should be noted, but some of crap I've read is just untrue. These are people that want developers to make a game that plugs into your head and you play it while you sleep. Aside from the invertion problem and the (what appears to be) lack of resourses this is THE SCARIEST and one of the best games I've EVER played. And I'm old school. Still have my Atari 2600 and about 120+ titles. I guess I haven't stressed this enough. THE SCARIEST GAME EVER!!! I've played all Res Evils, all the other Silent Hills, and Fatal Frames and nothing ever made me want to find a save so I could get off for a break. This game gets in your head and the people that designed this game deserve to hear they did an AWESOME job! Not these dumb complaints about "the flashlight only lights part of a room". IT'S A HORROR/SURVIVAL GAME...THAT'S PART OF THE EXPERIENCE AND WAS INTENDED TO BE LIMITED LIGHTING!!! Anyway, if you're a horror/survival fan that DO NOT pass this game up. It's turning into one of the best games I've ever played and I think most players agree. Have fun!