Same boring and non-sense puzzles bad control weak story,awfull camera

User Rating: 5 | Silent Hill: Homecoming X360
this game is a piece of crap yhea i think the konami guys are just blowing away his good games and this game its a decepccion for me enemies are just creatures non sense ceatures should be ghost and more weird stuff like in the room the puzzles are a CRAP make the game hiperboring and have no sense the control are bad and the camera is the worst the story is sooooo baaaaaaadddddddd i mean is a CRAP like the whole game is the worst konami game i ever play in mi entire life seriously dont spend ur money in this piece of crap for the first time konami do a crap that is unplayable and its soooooooooo but sooooooooooooooooo booooooring and frustrating if u want really cool and with sense puzzles buy portal =) coz this non sense puzzles only will kill you of boring and the game in fact its frustraiting and the game i coz thsi game is a piece of crap in all the expression of the word.!(H)