Silent Hill is a must have for psychological thriller genre fans...and for all horror fans as well...
1. Story - the story was great. The pacing, the emotion the dread if you want to call it that way, was all present and created a great experience. The numerous mind-blowing and twisting events are exactly what fans of the genre would love. Some of the puzzles were really thought-provoking. 9/10
2. Gameplay - i have to say that SLH is a hard game. Even on Normal mode which happens to be one of the two available (the other one is HARD) the game is very hard, due to the lack of supplies and ammo. Only once the gamer starts to apply some tactics in the combat, depending on what you are fighting, the game becomes a little easier. 8/10
3. Graphics and Sound - graphically, the game has some very good points. I would not say it is perfect but a very good one. Sound effect are eerie and creepy, which helps the atmosphere a lot. Voice acting is really good as well.8/10
4. Long-lasting appeal - i personally would keep this game in my collection and will not sell it. The game is very good for a player like me, who appreciates great story and emotion in a video game, especially one that claims to be a psychological thriller. 8/10
Overall, a really good game and i hate myself for not trying the series earlier on. Considering the fact that it is my first SL game to play, i found it very mind-bending, twisted and amazing at the same time. A solid game that deserved a better score. 8.5/10