My Review Of Silent Hill: Homecoming!

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill: Homecoming PS3
I picked this game up for £25, pre owned in my local game shop. I had experience in the series, playing 2,3 and 4 avidly in the past few years. And I have to say, I probably enjoyed it alot more than those games.
The gameplay is extremely accessible, making it easier to pick up and play than the other games, yet is still able to suck you in.
The story is good, but I probably can't say much, as I haven't finished the game yet.
The sound and score is great, providing appropriate music at appropriate times.
The combat system has been critisized by people alot, but I find nothing wrong with it. Its fun, and once you learn the dodging times, its a blast!
My only few gripes are the fact that the flashlight is hardly as useful as a tool as it is in previous installments, hardly giving any help. Also, health and ammo is far and few between, proving it difficult to stay alive at times.
I enjoyed this game, but you will either love it or hate it.
Gameplay: 8
Sound: 8
Story: 9