Must have PSP game

User Rating: 10 | Silent Hill: Origins PSP
The PSP must have more games like this one, here are the brief reasons:

-slower paced action, fit for a small console, portable one. It still has some fighting sequences in which you can use all sorts of objects (even small TVs)

-smaller areas that have superb graphics, better than larger areas with poor graphics - it creates a great atmosphere (music also adds to that). I love how you can use your flashlight (on or off), pretty amazing effect. Also, the flashes from the past are a nice addition, you never know what happens next

-nice puzzles, not too easy, not too hard, just right

-nice story, that keeps you wondering what happens next and makes your imagination wotk a bit, to figure out the pieces of the puzzle -mind you, this game is kinda scary sometimes, it's not suited for everyone

-The only downside is that it could have been a little bit longer but hey, that's not really so bad after all...maybe they'll make another one ;)