it's an overall great game me and my sis played it last year and beat it. its a great game and i will stand by that.
User Rating: 9.5 | Silent Hill: Origins PS2
the game starts off great and builds as you progress it gets scarier and scarier but never gets piss your pants scary. the game has a okay controls system and a not so good aiming system but if you like horror then this is definitely for you.this was the first silent hill game i played i really enjoyed it but if your used to resident evil you might have trouble with the controls or if you only bought the game too see how scary it is your in for a semi scary experience. to if your new too the horror franchise i'd suggest silent hill origins. its full of nurses straight jackets and puppets that strangle you!
if you liked my first review please comment :)
PS. the game is great if you want to know more ask me or read the info. PPS. i beat this in about 10 hours about and with my sister overall it was beat in about 11 and a half hours