Another entry in the series, but will it redefine the genre or stick with the same formula?

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill: Origins PSP
I remember the day the original Silent Hill game came to the PS1. I was working at Meijer and decided to spend part of my pay-check on this title because the front looked cool...little did I know that I was going to be submersed in a world of demons and cults. The original was so amazing it spawned newer entries in the series that only some were continuations of the original. After playing all these I begin to wonder why all this was happening to this town. Aside from the recently released movie of the same title little was answered. Konami decided to hand the reigns over to a new developer to tell the backstory of Silent Hill. After finally playing the most anticipated game for SH fans this is what I had to say.

The game plays just like the others in some ways and has all the same tricks up it's sleeve as far a gore and scare elements. I found the story was a bit split as far as following the history of Travis Grady and what was up with the girl. As far as the story with Travis, it was the most compelling to me because of the events that unfold as you draw closer to the end.

Playing the game was fun but hurt my hands on the PSP Slim trying to see what happens next. Thank god there is a PS2 version in the works! The combat was still pretty dull with the addition to some new-ish elements to sorta make it better. You have a seemingly endless melee weapons at your disposal and some awesome guns. I did like the grappling aspect of the combat but it got old and gimicky after a bit. I also liked the fact that you can "Charge" weapons like in 4 to get some extra damage out of it. All the weapons, but the guns were capable of breaking.

The graphics were about the same as SH2 and had some of the same feel to it as that title did as well. I feel I could never get tired of the blood and rust of the "otherworld". The monster design was good but not the best I've seen in the series. I felt that I've seen the same monster too many times in the game and there really wasn't much of a variation aside from the Butcher and the last boss. One thing that erked me more than anything was the camera. I think it hindered me more than helped because I would get stuck in corners and sometimes it wouldn't zoom when it was supposed to.

The music is one thing I liked the most of this game. Akira Yamaoka, the best man in the biz, composed this mix of atmosphere and Trip-Hop. To be honest, it wouldn't be SH without him. The monster sounds seemed a bit re-hashed from other titles.

Overall, I liked this new entry and would recommend it to others who have the same tastes. I hope that SH5 gives us some new gameplay elements that wow us and bring some of the older fans back for another helping.