Excellent Survival horror with great effects
The idea of the game in terms of the horror being psychological than violent or tangible was a unique experience to me. I had not before experienced such an experience before and with the benefit of hind sight I can clearly see it was a great place to start.
Visuals at the time were cutting edge and the fog that surrounded Harry when adventuring through day-time Silent Hill always made you afraid of what was around the next corner. One of the main scares of silent was not what you would see and hear...but what you could hear but not see. This didn't have to be random gargles or groans or even subtle shuffling of feet...the radio was the true terror of the game. That high pitches static and radio squealing made me shudder and tense up, frantically searching my screen for the imminent threat. Then suddenly it'd appear and I'd jump out of my skin!
The storyline itself was deep and technical and had all the right ingredients for sequels that would prove to be just as good if not better than their founder. One of my all time favourites and only gripe about it in this day and age is the graphics that are severely out-dated but hardly the games fault at the time. All time Survival horror classic.