This game is just to broken to be played, it's just horrible. This is just a half finished game, don't buy it!
The graphics are incredible.
You are free to walk in the u-boat.
You can talk to the characters and it feels quite realistic.
The Bad points
The game starts with a tutorial on how to use the u-boat, but it's very short and almost useless. Then your on your own because the games manual will not help you in any way. The game is very complex and does not give you enough information on how to use the u-boat. You will have to guess and the game has no room for mistakes. You won't know how to detect enemy ships, or how to fire torpedo's. But the game biggest problem is bugs and glitches that make the game unplayable. The game crashes alot, has all kind of graphic flaws and other bugs. I will give you an example: i hit a ship with my torpedo's and the ship was half underwater, my torpedo's where up and my deck gun did no damage, so i saved and left the place and then i got a message saying that i destroyed an enemy ship. But then the game crashed for no reason and i had to reload my last save where the ship was half underwater, but then the ship was intact and was firing on me, my torpedo's where up and i had to dive and escape.
The game has probability the longest load times i have ever seen.
Nobody plays the multiplayer.
It also requires a permanent internet connection which is just stupid.
It also saves the game on their server and not your pc and this is probably the reason it takes so long to load.
Ubisoft stopt patching the game.
This game feels like a game that was not finished and it should have never bin released. What a scam! I can't even explain how broken this game really is even after 2 patches.
Don't buy it you will only have problems.