The Pacific theater in SH 4 is just as trilling as the Atlantic of SH 3 but theres just something missing.
Graphics: At first everyone hated the fact you could not change the antileasing in this game. Personally I could care less. Graphics don't make the gameplay and those that think they do missing the whole point. From what I've seen they are awesome especially sunsets, sunrises just like in SH 3 but better. Waves and ocean effects could not be any better bu you have heard all this before so I will move on.
Gamplay: Before the patches very buggy and things did not work but the core gp elements mostly did work so that did not bother me. Combat is good but here is weree I found the game under par. See bottom for why:
Sound: All great sounding.
Replay: Endless with all the missions and campaigns as well as multiplayer.
Overall: Here's where I think SH 4 falls short. There does not seem to be the trill of the chase like in SH 3. German acents are replaced by American and quit frakely I rather see a battleship/destroyer or torpedo boat sim on the pacific than a sub sim. It feels out of place even though it was history. I know i partial to the Atalntic theater but that's were the great WWII sub and ship battles were. I highly recommend this game though.