Exhilerating, fun and exciting game with only one major problem/bug.
But onto the problem/bug I mentioned in the deck. The clipboard takes down Messages like Convoy/Task Force Positions, PAC News, FOX News etc. This wouldn't be a problem, but there are alot of Convoys. Over time the messages build up and will cause major slowdown. So if you want to read a one line message from Subcom, expect to wait 3-20 minutes for the game to load the clipboard. Hopefully the devs will fix this in the next patch.
Other than this and little bugs (no lettering on labels for switches and knobs) the game is perfect. I have a half decent computer and the game is still visually stunning! A vast improvement over SH3. Sound is awesome with great explosions as always. (Though it's best to load your own music to the Gramophone).
Over all I've only skimmed the top of this game, doing only the Training and 3 Career patrols. I haven't even touched the new multiplayer modes or the Quick Missions. But I'm still having a blast!