do yourself a favor, stay away from this installment and stick to 3. its far better in every single way.

User Rating: 5.5 | Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific PC
god almighty, where should i begin? the bugs that seem to be everywhere in this game? the uber-resource-hungry (yet very pretty) game engine? the over complicated interface? the dumb as a doorknob AI? or the simple fact that they've populated the game world with so many ships that you dont actually *NEED* to hunt any more? (which was half the fun of SH3...)

what an absolute disappointment... i was really looking forward to this game.

seriously, if you liked SH3, stay away from this! it dosent even come near being as good as the previous installment.

sure, the graphics are VERY nice, i'll give it that, but the engine is also uber-resource-hungry, and unless you have a serious top-of-the-range gaming rig it will simply crawl... "but cant i tune down some of the graphics and it wont crawl?" i hear you say?

well, yes and no.
you can do it, and the game wont crawl, but it will also become so ugly that you'd stop wanting to play it.

seriously, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR and stick to silent hunter 3. its superior in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT.