Could have been great, but was rushed to market too early
Graphically, the game is initially fairly impressive – most notably the water effects looks incredible. The submarine modelling is also very well done, as are the ships and planes. This is totally ruined however by the fact that only a 1024 X 768 resolution is used (it's simply stretched in higher resolutions) and no AA options are available. On my widescreen monitor this game looks pretty awful to be honest.
When the game is working, the campaigns can be fun however the crazy amount of show-stopping bugs in this game is a disgrace – simply pressing 'a' to maintain depth will crash you to desktop - you'll find other CTD's all over the place. Also, your crewmates sometimes take damage for no reason, there are targetting bugs, missing features.. . I could go on. Seems like I've paid £30 to be a beta-tester.
My advice is not to touch this game until it's been heavily patched, if at all. Ubisoft and other publishers will eventually ruin the PC Gaming market with shoddy releases like this.
Oh, and the manual is worthless.