I cant believe you rate it so high. How much are you being paid?
Ive already patched it and its still no great advance on SH3.
Faults Ive found in 2 days ownership include:
Whilst diving, gunners stay at their posts and get drowned
the deck gun stops for no apparent reason
STUPID pop up tools get in the way of everything, orders you need to give are hidden away behind these bloody things so that you have to close one or manually move it to get to the underlying control
STUPID STOPWATCH, why the hell does it insist on popping up every time I accelerate time above 256 X ? It then takes up space and gets in the way of everything
Scrolling with the mouse happens only when the program bothers to let you. Sometimes ok, mostly not
The automatic Zooming function gets in the way of speedy control. Lets say a 10 degree port turn, you point to the turn you want, then because the bloody thing automatically zooms in, your 10 degree turn becomes a 20 degree turn
I watched in amazement when I sank a destroyer, watched it sink only to pop up out of the sea again some seconds later. it must have leapt 30 ft out of the sea. (just like those fishy type submarines in the old Stingray movies!)
What is the use/function of the so called "Tool Helper" on the map screen. Its simply a representation of an old British Army Prismatic compass. The lid animates open and then thats it!!!!!
Why do I keep getting told that my oxygen level is low and I must surface when it isnt the case?
I have an Alienware Aurora with 2 megs of mem and and yet I wait ages to access any messages that have been drawn to my attention.
Why are the warnings of ship sightings given in Lat/Long. I aint Ranulph Fiennes and therefore I cant see which sighting they are referring to? Why not just have a simple grid/letter index like they did in SH 3? You can only take realism so far without screwing up the gameplay.
Ill give it a week of perseverance and then probaly get rid of this garbage and stick with SH3