When is a $50 light gun not a $50 light gun? When you try to use the Mad Catz gun you bought for House of the Dead 3 on Silent Scope Complete! Maybe its just me. Maybe I have a bad copy of the game. Maybe my TV is too old. I am trying to give Konami the benefit of the doubt here. But my Mad Catz gun still works perfectly well with HOTD3. Why doesn't it work with SSC? Are we supposed to buy a new custom-made light gun every time a new light gun game comes out? Anyway, one of the reasons I bought the game was so that I could use my old light gun for something new. Nothing doing. The games are still pretty fun and challenging using the Xbox controller. Yes, they are cheesey and repetitive but it is still fun to sit down and blow things away with a scoped weapon every now and then. And Silent Scope is good at providing that outlet. The games create at least a little tension and excitement and more than enough of a challenge. Almost rediculously so at times. At least you get a good variety of scenarios between the 4 games. And at least the game doesn't cost the usual $49.95.
I dont know why this game gets a 5.4 from Gamespot but then again its like impossible to get the light gun now thats this game is getting older.The controller is still great but I can just picture me holding that light g... Read Full Review