Some of the best things are free! If your like me, you just like GOOD games. Silkroad is one of them.And its FREE2PLAY!!
Just to get this out of the way, if your a hardcore mmorpg player, your opinion will probally be a bit different. Alot of hardcore mmo players are extremly picky when it comes to these types of games. But im just a gamer who like good, fun games.Games i can get into. So before I start my review, I'll sorta let you know what types of games I like so you cant kinda see where im coming from.
My favorite game of all time is Super Smash bros Melee. I always loved games, ever since old Nintendo back in the day. But the first game that really pulled me in was Tenchu: Stealth Assassins for ps1. And I was NEVER a big rpg game fan.I hated the turned based thing. Thenl I played Star wars :Knights of the old republic 2, and had alot of fun with it. thats when I really wanted to get into that genre. So I stared of plaing a few mmorpg games i found online. All free ones. i played Runescape (which i cant believe i liked) Then, Conquer online (a little better. fun for beginners) then to Hero online ( a bit better/more advanced than conquer). But all of those games got boring real fast. Then i kinda gave up on the whole Mmorpg thing for a while.
Then came across silkroad. I thougt it had an intresting concept. the screenshots looked cool, and it was the only game ive seen wher you can ride camels, and horses. The whole China/Arab thing was cool to me to. So one day I downloaded it, and man was that a good decision
The concept of this game is great. Because it has no concept. like most mmorpg games, your free to do whatever the hell you want. But its really about the trade route from China to the middle east. Which is interesting because it was actually a real trade route. The Silk Road....basically thats it. Do whatever the hell you want on the silk road.
The graphics are great. But I'll admit, im amazed pretty easily. But seriously, the graphics are a big factor in why i enjoy this game so much. Bucause I feel like I should be paying for a game like silkroad. But im not. The visuals really pull you in too. You could be walking down a trail to a graveyard, and all the sudden it starts raining, thundering and lightening. (which happens randomly by the way). Or wandering (like i do alot) and walking through a gloomy swamp filled with roaming swamp monsters. The main village where you start, makes you feel like your really walking through medieval china. Theres people selling stuff on the streets, and different characters running around all the time. time also shifts from day to night, which is always cool. The game looks pretty good in low quality mode. But looks amazing with regular settings. And my computers pretty outdated and almost never gives me problems running the game even in high quality
Well..its turnebased. Which is not my favorite style at all. But Silkroad manages to keep you interested. The biggest thing i have with mmo's are how long it takes to level up from the god damn weakling you are when you start. But with silkroad , it doesnt take long before your kicking ass. Once you learn magic, or "force" as they call it, you really start to level fast. And thats all before level 10. And once you learn the force the game really gets interseting. You become alot stronger with attacks. And fighting becomes alot cooler. Once I leveled up in just a few minutes, becuase i was killing mosters that were waay stronger than me with the force. I havent yet explored all the aspects of gameplay or even half of them. but from what ive played, gameplay keeps me interested.
Silkroad is an interesting game. I havent had this much fun with an rpg since Starwars: K.o.t.o.r2. Not to mention I havent payed a dime to play it. I was expecting alot less from a free mmo. But what i got was a hell of alot more than i payed for. Which was zero dollars and zero cents. An overall great game, one of my favorites. And not because its free.