A slow, boring, and unoriginal grindfest that will either have you addicted or bored out of your mind.
The graphics are OK. This isn't exactly a big budget game, seeing how it's a free download, so you can't be too harsh on that subject. I've seen Free-To-Play MMO's out there with far worse graphics. The sound is about the same. Nothing fancy. The game does have some random weather effects that occur (such as storms featuring thunder effects and plenty of rain). These are neat at first, but their appeal can wear down fast.
As for the gameplay, this is where the game becomes worthless. The game features standard quests for MMO's, such as item collecting and killing monsters. These quests get tiring fast. The game doesn't have a wide variety of enemies, so you will basically be fighting the same types of enemies, just with different names and strength levels. An interesting thing is sometimes giant forms of these monsters form. It doesn't really raise the excitement level though. The game consists of regular spellcasting and combat, featuring standard weapons and armor. There are only three types of armor too, which is somewhat of a letdown. The higher-level armor does look amazing though. The spells basically are just power-ups, and tend to not amaze. All that will happen is fire or whatever element the spell is will surround your weapon and you will get a damage increase. Or you will just be protected from enemy attacks. The game doesn't emphasize on the defense spells when it comes to graphics though.
I forgot to mention something about the quests (or gaining experience in general): be prepared for one of the biggest, roughest, most grueling grinds of your life. You may end up bored out of your mind by the repeptive quests that make you kill the same thing over...and over...and over...and over.......it's just crazy. One quests asks you to collect about 12 items by killing a certain kind of monster. Sounds simple right? Well, it would be if the drop rate for the item was horrible. I killed over 300 of those guys just to get those 12 things! 300!
Once you hit level 20, the game treats you to a new gameplay element. You buy one of 3 costumes, which allow you to play as a hunter, thief, or trader. The object? Traders must carry goods from one town to another. In the meantime, theives are attempting to kill the traders and steal their goods. NPC thieves can also attack. Think the traders are screwed? That's what hunters are for. Their job is to protect the traders from thieves and monsters. While this all sounds good on paper, it really isn't that exciting in the game. It is extremely difficult, especially if you are a lower level. There are only 3 settlements in the entire game, so the traveling doesn't vary much (except for the route you choose to travel through). Truly, this only becomes remotely fun if you are a higher level.
The game also features another form of PvP. You buy a cape of a certain color. When you wear it, you are designated to a certain team. You can then fight any other player wearing an opposing cape outside of any town. This proves a little boring too unless you are a higher level, where the matches last longer and are more tense.
So, all in all, this game falls flat. The gameplay...well...sucks. There isn't much variety in environment or enemies. It's dull. It's one of the worst grinds you will ever experience. And the game really only proves fun when you're a higher level. Those who are looking for a good free MMORPG will find more in other games, including RuneScape.