I know why this game has bad reviews, and why it has good reviews. Read my review to find out why it does.
This game takes time, which is why it is rated so low. The game is great! But also it has great graphics.
The only 2 things I dont like about this game is logging on and getting stuck. Yes, it would be a 10 without those things, but thats what makes me mad. There is a fix with logging on though. If you buy the premium pack from their website, which is 200 silk (30$) you can get qeued so you get the next open slot free, depending on whos qeueing also. Also, if you want to see whos on each server go to this link. It updates every 5 seconds. http://www.rev6.com/stats/servercapacity.asp
That makes it easier to login without premium.
Another reason is getting stuck. Yes, its as bad as Regnum online coming to this. Regnum online you constantly get stuck, and in Silkroad it is too. Although, in silkroad its easy to get out. Just rotate your character and have it in running positon.
Those are all the cons. The pros are the quests are great, the map is great, its humoungus. Community is ok, its nothing to brag about. Normaly, people who actually play, not just people in servers taking up room nad doing nothing *hence the bots* are usually nice people. Not always, but usually.
The trading in this game is great. You can sell 8 items at a time in a stall, where people can come and view you and use your stall. You can leave your stall on all night so people can buy from you, and you dont have to accept the trade like Runescape.
The roles are great too! You can be a thief, a trader, or a hunter. Trader is the most boring, but most profit. Theif is most fun but most left profit, and hunter is fun but second less profit. Trader is the overall choice from being able to get alot of money, although you have multiple characters on each world.
The other con though is how slow it is running, until you get better. The better you get, in each force you can get a spell that makes you run faster for a certain amoutn of time.
About all i can say. A 9.5 rating (9.7 really) and i hope you download and enjoy it!