One of the best side scroller shooter action game! Belive me, it is good.
Idea of the game is to shoot everything,with jeep and helicopter and dodge enemy projectiles and the best of all, you can do it with your friend. Also you need to collect weapon upgrades and extra lifes from minibosses/bosses. Helicopter and Jeep has different characteristics. Helicopter can fly (obviously,duh)and it fires machinegun at 45 angle plus shoots aerial missiles. Jeep shoots at 45-90 angle at the same time plus you can jump with it. It takes nevers to play it ,because you will get killed ingame and alot.
Audio: 8/10 Remember we are talking about amiga game ;) You can't compare it to ex. Crysis or Oblivion.
Graphics: 10/10 Lots of finesse in visual feeling. It looks good compared to several amiga games.
Gameplay: 9/10 Totally addicting. Need few hours of playing before it get you on. Second player makes it even better.