Worth a try... if you have too much money to spend on anything else...

User Rating: 7 | Silverfall PC
First off i would like to solemnly state that RPG's are my life. Only my closest friends know how many nights i wasted playing games like Diablo, Diablo II, World of Warcraft,Fable, Gothic or Neverwinter Nights(1&2) and the list goes on. This is one of the reasons why i give this game a higher grade than i would another (and for the sake of trying to be fairly original but that is another issue).
Considering the games mentioned above, seeing that a Diablo 2 clone (or wannabe clone) with a twist was going to emerge from the sea of shooters, strategies and adventure games with jaw dropping eye candy, got me hooked right away. Breathlessly awaiting it's release i was thrilled at the idea of a good RPG. Oh how wrong I was...
The good: Moderately satisfying graphics (one major advantage is to remove that black outline option), fast paced game play, pretty cool town teleportation through the use of the map wherever you may be. lots of monsters. The choice between nature and technology that replaces an alignment with good or evil of some sort is ok.
The so-so: quest mini map indicators (I love that in any RPG, but the fact that only certain quests are marked is quite odd making it fit into the category of so-so), diverse assortment pf weapons... which quickly become repetitive since you just get them over and over again just with higher stats. Note: Diablo has the armor thingy too but you actually get to finish the game once before that happens!
The bad: Ravaging through hordes of endless monsters becomes some what like jogging, you get tired but in the end it's just the same old run over and over. Spoken dialogue (when available) is just a hanous display of horrificly bad voice acting, totally unbalanced skills (basically becoming a warrior of sorts is the biggest mistake you can ever make)
In the end a pretty fun experience for about the first 6 hours of gameplay. After that, you start to wonder if you haven't started the game all over again.