Create a thriving megalopolis on your SNES. This version is well executed.

User Rating: 9 | SimCity SNES
This classic PC game has been Nintendoized to allow Sim happy gamers the joys of creating their own cities on their Super NES. The game functions the same as it's parent, but has added delights that add to game's experience.

What makes this game worth playing on the SNES come in it's various features. Gifts become available under certain conditions and provide benefits to your city, many providing extra income. Among these gifts are a casino, fountain, police and fire HQs. A Mario Statue, posing like Lady Liberty, will become available to any who are able to exceed a 500k population. Another nice feature is the inspection lens that allows players to see a zones level of development. There's another unlockable feature located in the Info menu that allows players a nice angled view of their city. An advisor, Dr. Wright, is introduced, offering tips as the city progresses. He can get annoying at times, as his information isn't that useful. He mostly tells things that are already known.

No Sim City would be complete without scenarios, and this version has some that are a great change of pace and to test players Sim skills. The ultimate scenarios are still in the form of classic disasters waiting to be unleashed upon a player's cities, but move over Godzilla, Bowser's on the move.

For being on a console, the control are fine. It would have been nice if it supported the mouse accessory like SimAnt does. However, the menu's and informational screens are easy to flip through without any aggravation.

The sound effects are decent, along with Bowser's requisite growling. The music can be repetitive and irritating during long sessions of play, though fortunately, it can be turned off. Everything else is more-or-less what one would expect.

Sure, it's not the PC version, but just as fun and just as true to it's parent as one coul hope. Sim fans are very likely to enjoy this. Besides, what Nintendo fan wouldn't want Bowser rampaging through their city?