I first played SimCity on the SNES and ever since then I've always wanted to play it again. So now that I have got a Nintendo Wii I can play it for hours and hours. I find it very difficult to find anything wrong with it. The only problems that I can find are that the graphics are not that good and it is quite annoying when you barely have enough money to build another house. These are just minor problems that you would expect anyway so don't be put off.
All in all, SimCity is a great game that is very addictive and well worth the 800 Wii points that you pay for it.
The SimCity series has come a long way over the years. SimCity 4, the latest in the series, bears only a passing resemblance to the original. But the original is still just as great in its own respect. The SimCity s... Read Full Review
this is my first review and i think its almost 10:00 pm so sorry if mispelling or sentences dont make sense. If anyone asked me what i thought of the game id say the games just like a wart you dont like it at first bu... Read Full Review