A port of a PC game makes it's way to the GBA...typical...but it gives the SNES & PSone ports a run for their money.
But compared to the Super NES and Playstation ports to this game, the GBA wins hands down due to load times. The Super NES/PSone port would take FOREVER to load, no matter what you did. Sure the music and the graphics were there, but I'd sooner have faster gameplay rather than improved music. Like everyone says, there are limits....there are only a few selected terrains you can choose from (no editor), which decreases the replay value. But if you are looking for a few hours to kill at the airport or the bus stop, give this a whirl....I"m not saying it's the most magnificent game out there, but it is highly underrated compared to the other users on this site (and they don't know how to spell, either...)