If you dig deep you can find more fun on this great game.

User Rating: 9.5 | SimCity 4 PC
This game can entertain me longer than any other because of its never- ending city building which can go on virtually forever.It also gets better the more you play because the challenge of building the perfect city of one million, along with lots of small towns that can be built with the amazing region system. Seriously, if you like this game after an hour of playing it you will love it after one- hundred as the challenge keeps you improving and therefore keeps the fun rolling allong. If you have the game then i reccomend downloading as many extras, made by sim city's own fans of the game at simtropolis which can take the gameplay up to a whole new level and the amount of extras available will double the time you play it. For three years ago the graphics are still good in this era and must have been revolutionary from three years ago. The sound is different but still very good. The limitless features and gameplay is the thing that made this game so revolutionary though, it will suit all hardcore fans of this genre.
Lets hope Sim City 5 is just as good!