If you have Sim City 4, then you should have this expansion pack.

User Rating: 8.4 | SimCity 4: Rush Hour PC
Sim city 4 Rush Hour is a great expansion pack for Sim City 4. Did sim City 4 feel like it was missing something? Well this is what it was missing. Sim City 4 ads a lot of new features that can be very helpful. The one I noticed the most was the new types of roads that were added. No more will you be restricted to two lane roads only. Rush hour adds avenues, one way roads, ground level highways, monorails, elevated railroads, ferry terminals, and some new bridge designs. Avenues have a much higher traffic volume than the two lane roads. One lane roads can be helpful if you dont have room to widen your roads to avenues (the avenues width is two tiles). Monorails, and elevated rail can work good with your city, but you will need to sacrafice some space for them ( both are one tile in width, more space will be needed for stations) as you will not be able to use the land that they are built on anymore unless of course you demolish it. And finaly, ground level highways are much cheaper to build than elevated ones. However, placing highway on and off-ramps will be more difficult with ground level highways. A new query tool has been added in the form of the route query tool. This feature allows you to track the routes that commuters take when traveling from one destination to another. You can now drive or fly around your city. A new mode called "U-Drive it" has been added to the game that lets you drive or fly around your city. Using this mode you can do good or evil missions to gain money or unlock rewards. If you take on the evil missions which are given to you by the evil Dr. Vu, you can make a lot of money, but your mayor rating will go down. The games camera angle doesent work well with this mode though. For example, if you drive through an area with tall buildings you will have a hard time seeing where you are going. On region view a new transportation view has been added that lets you see all the roads, airports, rail, etc. in your region. Some new buildings were included in this expansion pack, but not a lot because this expansion pack focuses mainly on transportation. New building styles were added, they include 1890's Chicago, 1940's New York, or 1990's Houston. In conclusion, if you have Sim City 4, then you should have this expansion pack.