Broken Control On Wii Game?! Not A Good Sign.

User Rating: 5 | SimCity Creator WII
I've been in love with SimCity's various incarnations throughout the years, and the idea of using the Wii to "wave the magic wand" seemed pretty tempting. What. A. Letdown.

I will leave it up to experience and the gamespot review to get into the gameplay in detail, after all it is still a kind of Sim City, and that's fairly familiar. What is NOT familiar in a game that is all about careful placement, is an inexact and sluggish control scheme.

Sim City on the PC utilized the Mouse for mose of it's actions, so my first unpleasant surprise was realizing that a Wiimote, and a mouse play pretty much the same in a game like Sim City, but the mouse is much more accurate. Having a keyboard doesn't hurt either apparantly, because even the pared-down interface for SC:Creator is pretty clumsy in practice here.

As for the nuts and bolts, the only thing saving this game from being a complete disaster, is some tweaked Sim City gameplay, and frankly that's always fun and well made in this game. The sound is uninspiring, but familiar to fans of the series, and the graphics work well enough. There is certainly a nicer colour platte here than the PC ever saw, and more to do from moment to moment than than the older games offered.

Of course, again, this is all brought to a screeching halt by crippling controls, and the fact that it's gameplay, while having some fun moments, is still too similar to other games in the series to warrent struggling with the Wiimote and the Camera in a task it clearly COULD have managed, if the game had only been designed with more care.