Could have been fun but it's broken.
Here's the problem. On Windows Vista with the new Nvidia DirectX10 video cards, this game crashes more than a teenage alchoholic on crack. I really don't know any other way to put it. I work on computers for a living and it seems to me that there's something wrong with the way the game renders pictures and movement in Vista/DirectX10.
I can't get into play it longer than 20 minutes at a time. During those 20 minutes here and there I can see a decent game but then the "bonk" sound and the invevitable crash.
Why release a game nearly a year after Vista and DirectX10 has been out only to know it wasn't ready? (they had to have known - read the bulletin boards about similar users having this exact issue).
I'd love to focus more on the game and really wanted to but until they get this crashing fixed - what a waste.