A quick entertaining game that can quickly bring out the city planner in you. I'm thinking of messing with real cities.
The basic game allows you the capability of creating cities that match real major cities, small towns, villages. Check the sturdiness of your city cause a catastrophe. see how your city planning helps or destroys the lives of your sims. increase crime, establish a dictatorship, the shapes of these socities are there, but their not trumpeted out with a character of their own, you simply see it. It would be nice to develop that kind of character out of the game.
This is a game were you have to leave who you are at the door and bring out your evil side to exploit the little guy, Start editing the files, create your own mods and you start to see the possibilities of the game. create a model of the ghetto, beverly hills... and mod the files of buildings to bring out the characteristic of those places. want to establish a martial arts society with roving clans of warriors? a military outpost. now if we could only add some violence! who knows maybe we can.