An utter destruction of what was a legendary game. Take 10 steps back. There is so much they could have done with it.

User Rating: 1.5 | SimCity Societies PC
At a time when I anticpated the next sim city to be absolutely awesome, imaginative and breathtaking, due to the huge advances in technology, instead they did the usual EA approach. Change it a little or change it totally, and in the process destroy it. Ah for the days of Moraga, CA and the programmers who actually gave a darn. But I guess they are all retired now.

I anticipated huge advances in the AI, hoping for less menial invovlement like buiilding roads etc. A "Mayor" of a city does not build roads, he manages a city. Thought they have modifeid that stuff some, it still sux. This game stinks. Please do not waste your money.