do not support this business
can't connect, server can't handle load
must wait in queue to play (like a wow server queue)
can't play with friends
can't play on cheetah speed, disabled
disconnect = partial/total loss of progress
problems that will continue to exist after launch:
no local saves
extremely small city size
no terraforming - you get what you get
DLC instead of player created content (mods)
game boasts city specialization and group play, but the neighbor influence and teamwork is limited arbitrarily. you want to specialize in being the region's sole provider of power, garbage, water, etc? too bad. your neighbors can only purchase a certain amount from you. they will be forced to build their own power plant, etc and only use you to supplement their needs.
interaction between cities in a region is not in real-time. did you send money to a neighbor? did you send anything? do anything? that would make an impact on your neighbor? well you have to wait something like 20 minutes to an hour for it to take effect... so sit back and wait for the mailman (or perhaps the analogy of taking a day off work to sit at home waiting for the cable repair guy to come anywhere between the hours of 9-5)
and of course if you try playing multiple cities solo, all cities are paused except the one you are currently in. so if you want your (fully-finished) money-making city to actually make money...... you will have to sit in that city (idle) in order for that city to actually make that money.