Ive been able to play 29 Hours uninterrupted and its very very addicting, but has a lot of bugs. Quick Review.
skipping the usual intros and going to get to the guts.
This game sucks........ you in fast.
If your lucky enough to have a good connection.
but Where the game succeeds it quickly fails almost equally from missed
potential alone.
When your creating a city your forced to do things.
When I say forced i mean the game mechanics encourages creativity
but is it really creative when someone tells you, you have too.
Your Plopped on an enormous "region" and within the region are parcels
of land. You choose a piece of land to build on and your main objective
is to create a thriving city that connects to other citys within the region (user created).
Problem here is first your chosen parcel is very limited in size. And
your forced to create businesses and industry to keep your sims happy.
So you have to separate these areas because no one wants to live
next to a mc donalds or drink brown water.
By separating the areas your automatically forced with less space.
Its unrealistic in a sense because a "town" has people (duh). People leave the town
and go to the walmarts an mcdonalds. Usually these places arent very close to communities. But this is called Sim"City", seems
the way they made it, encourages you to create towns not citys but then
forces you to make citys.
Its all about the sims.
In order to keeep them happy they kinda say, hey make us a town, we'll just take the bus or drive. Now the game engine will give less pollution or germs an blah blah blah. But thats not what people in a city truly care about (Too Some Degree). Cause there forced with the decision. You build sims first. not the city. The sims have to be introduced into something thats gonna change there world instantly. I think thats what the problem is. Its not a natural change.
So when building your trying to shove as many "residential zones"
as possible.
While Simultaneously bringing in Sims from other created areas.
But instead of being forced to make a city, you should be able to make
a place for people to live, a place for people to shop and a place for people
to entertain themselves. But instead of being in the same "CITY"
on a completely different area.
You know like a real thriving community.
Once again i get it. Its Sim"CITY". But trust me when i say that it doesn't feel
like a city until hours in and your left making so many sacrifices.
Should i risk this huge space for gambling or a university.
Oh wait, i have no space for either because im shoving soo many "residential
zones" in id be destroying homes.
I always thought.
Okay this will be my atlantic city.
This will be my upstate ny with colleges.
This will be my business market.
But IT always ends up the same. Crowed like a real city but unorganized
an frustrating like a buggy game.
My review is to long as is.
But quickly ill say.
Getting to understand what to do is difficult.
I played 8 hours straight and was left with SOOO MANY
I played another 6 another time and learn some answers.
I played another 6 and had even more ?? then when i started.
It just does a terrible job of helping you along.
There are many visual bugs.
Streets looking weird and unconnected from a distance when there
Traffic ignorantly being traffic.
Game play bugs.
Sending money instead just deleting your money and no one gets it.
Revenue dropping quickly for no reason.
Bus stops being inaccessible when they are.
Yet I still find myself loving the game.
It has soo many ways to improve more then i could fit.
But in the end its still fun.
Not worth 65 bucks.
But still very very fun.
Cheaper then an amusement park
and just as time consuming.
Just remember
You should try this game.
But if your not a huge fan like I am an can wait.
Wait for a price drop and all the bugs to be fixed.
Itll be much more enjoyable.
But if you cant wait definitely pick this game up.
Its potential makes me very frustrated, but I don't regret my purchase.