SimCity FAIL - You are Fired.
It took another few days before I was able to log back on and once again all my progress was gone. At this point I just beat my head against the key board and started over.
The game looks good albeit the graphic quality seemed a bit fuzzy to mean and I was having a hard time reading some of the fonts. My EVGA 680 is more than enough to run the game but evidently there is no way to improve the quality of the game.
As to connection issues, well good luck getting on if you can. Over the last few days things have been easier since fewer are playing, obviously having gotten fed up with the log in issues, and game progress seems to be stable more so than not. No unexpected issues as far as game progress not being saved since the last incident.
The GUI is very intuitive IMHO but a bit lack luster in its over all function and design. It is quite usable but in a general sense of the word "Universal" and dumbed down.
The sound effects are welcome and well timed. There were a few sound artifacts that repeated occasionally that did wear a bit on me over longer game plays but all in all I am pleased by the over all sound system of the game.
Pros - Can be a lot of fun.
Cons - Connection issues, fuzzy graphics, bugs, small game area, (Very frustrating when compared to older versions of the game.) Frustrating lag issues, games not always being properly saved or synced. Cooperative play is far from cooperative. Connection issues, the way they handle connection issues. EA customer support is ABYSMAL.
I can go on but you'll get the wrong idea. I love SimCity, I just don't love THIS SimCity. The bugs, the connection issues, the over all failed features, and the online ONLY play just sabotage this game beyond salvage IMHO. Do yourself a favor and go buy SimCity 4 Rush Hour. You'll have a lot more fun with that obsolete game than you'll ever have with this one.