This free app gives you several minutes of additive humorous fun.

User Rating: 9 | SimStapler IOS
SimsStapler is based on an oldish Mac game called Sim Stapler Arena. This igame is basically the exact same game as the mac one, just smaller.
I can't give much away, otherwise I will ruin the experience of this. This game makes me laugh every time, and I downloaded it on my mac years ago. It has made a conversation more than once - because it is a very different game than most.

I took a few marks off for it the advertisement (which is avoidable if you resist the urge to click the "visit us" button) and the smallish window that you play in (although I sorta found the it amusing, as a long time mac user).

All I can really say, other than that, is that is the best stapler simulation you'll probably ever play.

Review submitted by Chicken_run.