What was it cool, huh? That year 1992.
Naturally, then there are many, and perhaps much better, shoot 'em ups. But now was the genre for gamers to trigger a new path.
In Wolfenstein 3D was the first popular first-person shooter arrived: the beginning of the end. The final blow was followed the next year with the arrival of Doom.
The shoot 'em up, once a proud and leading genre with absolute potential system-seller, was in 1993 by the immensely popular Doom in the back and hit that never quite recovered.
A real character
Sin and Punishment 2Is unfortunate that it has gotten so? Well, I do not know. Perhaps.
For the diehard FPS fan was fixed wasted effort, but like I leave on the basis of the new Sin & Punishment's see what is so fun about this genre.
First, you control a gun under the screen that is accompanied by a shaky viziertje that slips by image, but a real character.
When balls come to you (usually dozens at a time), which lets you actually see it coming and try to move your character so that the bullets just missed him (or her, because in this game you can also play with a girl) shave .
You do not sound a little luck to move back and forth, as you might normally first-person shooters are going to find. And just hide behind a wall or a step back, there is a shoot 'em up like S & P was not at all.
Move, move
PunishmentSin and Sin & Punishment goes by, forward, forward, and gives you no time or space to hide, or just wander off to catch his breath. Without jumping break new enemies in the picture you deluged with fire barrier that almost constantly filling your horizons and sometimes almost to tilt your brains beat.
It is good your character this time not only on the ground can run, but (unlike the first Sin & Punishment in 2000) where and when he / she wants to leave the land can fly through the air ( Space Harrier as in 1985).
As constant as you try your doll with the analog stick for that one safe spot in the picture to bring you his / her gun with the Wii set to aanwijsfunctie loose or homing bullets firing.
If you really get scared, you can activate an evasive role you a split-seconds is invulnerable (as in Star Fox 1993) or what steps or physical blows to enemies that you hand out a little too close to the skin (such as Radiant Silvergun in 1998).
Sin and Punishment
Cumulative culmination
It is not for nothing that I brackets titles of some old games by this pendulum to review the structure of this second S & P to illustrate, for you would be able to show this new pop as cumulative culmination of all the shoot 'em up in his thirty history has produced, but totally perfected, raised and over-the-top ripped off, as only developer Treasure - all is the absolute master of the genre - can.
The camera follows the path that is as logical as dizzying, glide gracefully through the air with your character, running around, turn around and come in a deeply ominous dungeon until you stop to confront the most beautiful and grotesque that creeps you ever Wii has conjured up in images (and some say that, given the current wave of horror shooters on that thing).
The next time you suis by and about an ocean in tunnel-like scenes (such as Panzer Dragoon 1995), turns the camera to the side for side-scrolling shooter action (as in Gradius 1985), and you suddenly walk again the ground to the blocks on your path to pieces with brute force to pop (as in Gunstar Heroes 1993).
Sin and PunishmentDit sounds like a messy jumble of playing styles, but it is exactly the opposite, namely a logical and indeed varied but always stylish flowing into each other completely, all you realize that probably only the second or third time you play a level as your brains for the first time too busy with survival to the clever way it all fits together to notice.
That survival is not easy, but always do. Before you think you should try to disable and to surrender to the trance that the seamless images and sounds calls (as in Rez 2002) and almost automatically move in the right direction (as in from Touhou Project 1996), while meanwhile your laser sends exactly the right direction (like in Ikaruga 2001).
If you in that way in 'The Zone' and become totally absorbed in 'The Flow' by bullets and explosions, then you level after about twenty minutes of really dry mouth and blinking eyes see that this genre you can gamers hearts become like any other game you can.
Sin & Punishment: Successor To The Skies is the absolute winner in its genre and provides everything you as a lover of this genre could dream of. It remained shoot 'em up a separate and limited genre of course, that not everyone has to play. Are you such an old gamer but more than half of the references to these pages could follow, then you yourself really short if you leave this masterpiece shoot.