A true N64 Classic
Please note that this Review contanes no spoilers and preaty much no mention of the story in it's curent state.
The Good: Verry fast verry fun , only $12.00 , Top notch sound and art desine
The Bad: Should have been $10.00 Short as Hell the 2 player is throw away
Sin and Punishment: Inherit the earth is a Virtual Console N64 game for the Nintendo Wii that was released on October 1st 2007.
Please note that this Review contains no spoilers and pretty much no mention of the story in it's current state.
Sin and Punishment never came out in the states for undisclosed reasons and being a Japanese game it costs 1,200 Wii points($12) instead of the normal 1,000 points ($10). The price increce is kind of a Rip-Off because the only translated part is the tutorial because the original voice work was in English ( and good English at that )
Now on to the actual gameplay ( for the entirety of this review when I mention the controls I will refer to the Game Cube controller because I don't own a classic controller ) Sin and Punishment is played on rails with the player controlling left and right movement jumping aiming and shooting. you strafe with the Y and X buttons, Y is left and X is right you can also y or x twice to dash in their respective direction ( you can also move with the D-Pad ) you use the R or Z buttons to jump and double jump. You aim with the analog stick or C Stick and shoot with the L button and when enemies or certain projectiles get close you can tap the L button to use a sword swing.
The Sound in Sin and Punishment is top notch. All the sound effects are peaty cool and the music is great and fits the levels perfectly the only problem in the the voice acting is so-so
Graphically you can't expect much from Sin and Punishment since it is a N64 game that came out in 2000 by by those standards it is a great looking game.
Sin and Punishment is very hard especially in the second half of the game on hard. Enemies are constantly coming at you and that's a good thing. The main baddies you will be facing are the monsters known as Ruffians ( yes Ruffians ) and the military group tasked with killing the Ruffians the armed vointeers ( yes you read that part right )
My only major gripe with Sin and Punishment is that it is SUPER short. to get through it once will take a bout an hour but if you obsess with things like maxing out your high score or beating the game with out dying Sin and Punishment can last you many many more hours.