Wanted to like it, but it felt like Half-Life 2 with a different name
User Rating: 7.5 | SiN Episodes: Emergence PC
How to review a game that isn't bad but feels exactly like Half-Life 2 with a different character and different title, and swearing don't forget the swearing. The only problem is I enjoyed playing the game, but I was slightly disappointed mainly because the originals story line was so good and could have been greatly expanded on in this the sequel. I do have to admit though I would have also liked to see a few more weapons in this issue but that could be just because it didn't fit in with this episode and I'm sure more are coming in the next few. I'm still going to say buy this just to see what comes next mainly because it is just getting started and this is new to everyone including the developers. The real deal we will see in the next episode which I am still looking forward to.