SiN now ships free with SiN: Episodes. The lack of a compass, automap, or any other way to figure which way you are supposed to go, or even have been, is a pain. One that you will experience over, and over, and over, again and again. The graphics are dated, the music repetitive, and you'll wish that you could turn the raucous alarms off. After a while I really wanted to go back to base and pound the heck out of J.C., too. On the plus side, the hit effects are nice. For folks who want a variety of weapons, there is that too, but once you get the auto chaingun, you will never want to use anything else.
Sin was released with relatively little fanfare at approximately the same time as Half-Life. We all know what happened with Half-Life, and we all know that in comparison, Sin didn't sell very well, or receive particularl... Read Full Review
SiN…the modern review. Well the only reason I bought the original SiN is because I pre-purchased for SiN Episodes: Emergence for $20. With that you get SiN, SiN Multiplayer and Sin Episodes: Emergence. Also since I pr... Read Full Review