Not a bad game by any means. There are just much better games out there.

User Rating: 6 | SiN PC
NOTE: I will be talking about this game as if I bought it the day it released and that it's $50 US. So, I won't say: "Get Quake 4 instead." or, "It's a good deal since you get it free with SiN Episodes: Emergence." Now, let's begin. SiN puts you in the shoes of a John R. Blade, a typical badass who shoots first, asks questions later. There's nothing wrong with him actually, I like him this way. As Blade, you go through the game trying to stop the villiain, Elexis Sinclaire, the President of SinTek. Elexis is using the resources at her disposal to create an army to "Bring makind out of the dark ages." The game is so vague on this element of the story that I'm not really sure how she's gong to do that. They really confused me with how she's constructing mutants cyborgs. Assisting you on your mission, is J.C. J.C. is a skilled hacker who helps you by feeding you information, hacking (as you might have guessed), and being an annoyance. He is the most annoying sidekick I;ve ever seen in any game. I turned the volume off during missions I had to replay because he's so annoying. He has the voice of a 13 year-old but he apparently, has an appartment. The SiN uiniverse feels like a show that was trying to get air-time in the late 80's and after many failed attempts the creators decided to make a video game of it insead. The gameplay, is much like what you'd find in such games as Doom, Quake, or Duke Nuke'em. You run around, shooting things. Not much has really changed or been innovated. There are some things that, while not Earth-shaking, are pretty cool. One, is how when you shoot a guy in the head, he falls back, and when you shoot a guy with a fatal shot in the foot,, he falls forward. Wherever you hit the enemies, they die accordingly. And that goes for you, an enemy can get a lucky shot to your head and instant death! You're able to pick up armour in three segments, legs, torso, and head. While this is kind of pointless, I think it's neat. The coolest thing however, is that an enemy, with the right shot, can shoot a gun right out of your hand! It seems that for everything cool about SiN, there's a bug or two to counter-act it. The bugs are horrible. In one of the later stages, you see mutants in the air! What happened here? So, to sum the gameplay up in one sentence: It's like Quake, except not as fun, with bugs.

The graphics are well done. The levels and environments are detailed, the FMV's are nicely animated, and guns look powerful. The only real gru=ipe I have is the character models look rushed and have slight chopiness to their animations.

Thie audio is where I really cracked down on this game. While I wouldn't call myself an audiophile, I do care alot about sound quality. The music is not where I marked this game down. The music was well played and fits in with the game's genre and feel. The voice acting and sound effects are where I really marked this down. The voice overs are terrible. The voice actor for JC sounds like he taped his voice on a tape recorder from 1992 and sent it in to the developers. Elexis' voice actor ssounds like she didn't even know the character and decided to just do a generic horny girl voice. The enemies sound like people that Ritual Entertainment pulled off the street and said "We'll give you 20 bucks to say these lines right here." John Blade's, while not fantastic is the best voice in the game. His voice is the only one that I did not want to take a screw driver and stick in my brain to cause deafness everytime I heard it. The voice actor sounds like he really did his homework and played games such as Duke Nuke'em where the character just kicks ass and takes names.

Overall, I say that, if you want a game that innovates and brings a unique twist to the FPS genre, skip this game and pick up Half-Life. If you want a run and gun game that requires little to no thought, then pick up Quake 2 which came out last year. If you've picked up Half-Life and Quake 2 and played every FPS dating back to three years ago, and don't want to play a different genre of games, pick up this game.