are you ready to sing?
this is kick ass coz there are 30 songs to choose from, top scores to make and beat and best of all u get to make a singstar career where u get to travel they country once your pro and sing in front of thousands of people at a concert.
the artists on this game include:Good Charlote The Village People and even Elvis, i mean c'mon thats got to please and if it doesn't then who knows what will.
the sound is great(of course coz its a singin game) and one of the great things is you get to playback whatever you just sang.
the gameplay is flippin awesome and the graphics are sweet coz when you sing, you actually get to wittness the filmclip. but if u have an eyetoy, you can plug that in and it will show u singin instead of showin the filmclip. also if u an eyetoy and u get a top score for that song you can take a photo of yourself, all happy.
well i strongly advise you to buy this game from somewhere and if you dont have an eyetoy buy one as well coz its cool to watch yourself sing.
well that is all for now so seya later
wait i just remembered, there are three dificullty levels, they is Easy for you beginners, Medium for all of you that think or know your good at singin or for all you experts there is Hard, now that takes lots of practise to top score i can tell you that.
i mean it this time, seya all later