sing star can be good fun with friends, yet gets boring and repetitive quick
when singing into a microphone, whats taken into account is tone of voice, and frequency, so some people can humm along to songs and still outscore some people with is frustrating, for players who take the game seriously.
having observed a group of people playing the game, one player was doing a fantastic impersonation of the beach boys to the songs good vibrations, at it was beautiful to listen to, the other player was talking in a normal voice in time to the tune, turns out that the good impersonator was considered a novice, and the other player lead singer disappointing.
sing star can be good fun to play with a group of people, if they are not to afraid to sing in front of a crowd, yet the video clips could be better for play station 3 system, the graphics are barely better than the other systems.
the sing store only has a limited number of songs less than 200, so if there is a song that you like, probability is that singstore will not have it available, new hit songs take months to appear, the most recent songs available to download are more than a year old.
sing star can be fun in short bursts more of a party game than a long time hit, don't rush out to buy it, if you have the other sing stars.
if you are a fan some of the particular songs on singstar it can be great fun singing along