game flat out sucked
User Rating: 1 | SingStar Amped PS2
Okay seriously people this game is ment for people who can sing... its horrible watching some one with a squicky voice trying to sing some of these songs this game is flat out boring after a while i mean you dont really win anything you just get judged on weather you can sing or if you sound like crap.... which alot of people that i know that play video games cant sing worth... well you get the idea all in all this game sucks every one always gets that one people who thinks they can sing while your playing the game at a party and then ruins the fun for everyone eles i give this game a 1.0 gets boring very very quickly gah there isnt much more really to write about this game and its not just this sing star game actually its all of them that suck but seriously there isnt much more to say other than this game isnt worth the $50 that you have to dish out for then you get home all excited then what happen you get punched in the face by mr bordem cause this game has nothing to acheive well for anyone who plays i hope you arnt afraid of being told you sound like Sh....