Could have been a great game
The gameplay is very good, you don't have that many of guns type but you wouldn't need to have more. The graphics are solid. And I didn't found any bugs during the campaign, so the gameplay is pretty smooth. The story could be better; It doesn't have any depht to it. And even the story telling could be somewhat improved. The audio isn't as good as the games like bad company 2, modern warfare 2 or assassin's creed 2 for example. Don't get me wrong, the sound of the shooting is excellent; but the voice acting and the background sound is a bit dull.
I suggest this game to everyone but first download the demo or rent it out. Because it can be one of those games that you play once and that it
Gamaplay: 9/10
Graphics: 7.5/10
Sounds: 7/10
Story: 5/10
Overall: 7/10