Very good game with many ways in which to complete tasks. Never a boring moment.

User Rating: 9 | Singularity X360
I was expecting a Timeshift style of game when i bought this and i wasn't wrong, but it's so much more too! You start off with bare essentials and quickly work your way through various time-stopping power and upgrades to satisfy as you play through. I was so engaged that i completed it within a day, but this is not a bad thing. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it and I then went on to complete it on the harder difficulty.
The main flaw with this game that players will notice in the second playthrough is that it's just too easy, even on hard! Healthpacks and Stimpacks are plentiful even when you've fully maxed out the amount you can carry and even on hard there is no need to hide or take cover; simple 'spray and pray' even gets the job done.
These minor problems can and should be ironed out 'if' a second game is released; which i am thoroughly looking forward to.

Multiplayer on the other hand is very imaginative due to the Creatures Vs. Soldiers approach which gives you a wide variety of powers and techniques to play with and master.
There is a choice of simple Team Deathmatch or 'Extermination' involving the soldiers activating 3 beacons and the Creatures defending. Perks and various weapons are also a highlight which allows you to experiment with different playing styles and constantly challenge yourself.
Yet again a flaw appears and yet again it is minor: the matchmaking server is incredibly slow, but gives you plenty of time to go make a sandwich etc. before your match.
Overall Multiplayer is a fun and experimental slant on mixing the likes of Gear of War and Left for Dead gameplay together.
