If you have alot of free time, buy this game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity PC
This is a great game. The core game and the (I think) first two expansions are wonderful. The diplomacy expansion seems useless, but doesn't detract from the experience at all (assuming that you turn off the diplomatic victory setting.) Most of the game is spent zoomed out to the point of only seeing icons, which is a shame, because up close the ships and battles look very good. The interface and controls are fairly simple in a completely good way. The research trees are well done and extremely relevant. Rather than list all of the good points (which is almost everything,) I will list the few things that I think could be improved upon. Everything else is executed nearly perfectly.

1. There is really no economic management.
2. There is no single player campaign. This would have been incredibly simple. Can't figure out why they didn't include it.
3. The entrenchment expansion's starbases are a bit overpowered I think. If you can find a planet located at a phase lane bottleneck, behind which your entire empire lies accessible through that one planet only, you can throw down a starbase there, upgrade the #@&! out of it, surround it with proximity mines and repair platforms, and there is really nothing that anyone can do to you. If starbases were half as powerful, they would still be a serious factor, but not the end all of military strategy.

All that being said, you should play this game. No doubt about it, aside from this one disclaimer: If you have a family or other serious obligations, decide carefully. This game demands time. You cannot really casually play it. I don't even think about playing unless at LEAST half of my day free.