you should know the law's

User Rating: 8.5 | Sins of a Solar Empire PC
please let me to begin with giving thanks to makers of this game . i am so happy for i see that some makers have the new thinks about games . and i understood that some games have somethings more than other games and they absorb you in the game so the makers of this game have loyalty to say them lots of thanks . you should play this game for long time to undersatand the game attracts . this is not the serious sam or duke nukem ,no no this is the game with the special law's .the graphic of this game is not very fantastic but is enough for the game and makes gamers happy . sounds and speeches and voices and the musics are very good too.this game make you happy and if you play it you wont be upset and angry so i offer this game to all of the gamers.i like all the time games of the electronic arts games and i never like the games which ea did not make thembut this is the game more different other games and as i say it has special law's . so know the law's play the game and enjoy.