If your a fan of RTS in Space then this game is perfect for you, even if your not you can enjoy yourself alot.
The gameplay is incredibly smooth and I dont experience any spikes from graphics. It is extremly easy to pick up on how to play, building has been made alot easier along with managing your units. Fights provide good fun and the space routes give an interesting challenge to strategy fans. The pirates are just too much fun, either get hit with them to level your capital ship or but up a bounty on your ally without him knowing. In its total it is a great strategy game, innovative and one of the best strategy games on the shelves at the moment.It provides you with an extremly fun new experience.
To finish off I would like to state that every game has flaws and that this new "hybrid" did an awsome job keeping it to a low, with patches we will see improvements on the pirates,etc...