The new & improved Siren: Blood Curse is a beautifully crafted survival-horror. There are just some tweaks needed...

User Rating: 8.5 | SIREN: New Translation PS3
Having owned and played the original PS2 games, it is nice to see a deserving series being realised in this quality game. Blood curse presentation hits all the right marks - it's dark and eerie, monsters and environments are beautiful and freakish, the music is ambient and unsettling.

I only have two things that bother me with the game - the auto aim for the majority of the firearm combat and the controls just need a slight tweaking. I would suggest reversing the Look-around currently set to the left stick with the strafing giving it 1st person shooter controls. Strafing is far too slow in the game.

Apart from that, it's probably one of the best Survival horrors out there that doesn't rely on combat for the majority. I really enjoyed this game and if you are a survival horror fan it shouldn't be over-looked.