Blood, crazy enemies, and all the spooks a horror fan needs in a game!
The gameply polygonal graphics are really good, everything is well-rendered and the effects of lights, thunder and other stuff are just awesome. The cutscenes' graphics are nice, but the characters' expressions are somewhat blank sometimes, though the voice acting remains really good, as Japanese characters have real Japanese voice actors and when they speak English they speak as foreigners, and the same goes for Americans when they speak Japanese. The music are just AWESOME! It never fails to give you the chills, and in my book, this game has one of the best sound tracks for a horror game.
Story and Gamplay:
A whole American TV screw is stuck in a cursed village in Japan named Hanuda, and now you have to control each member of this crew, plus a Japanese character. Yeah, you control a 30 years old Japanese doctor to a 10 years old girl and her parents and a high school guy helping a Japanese girl. Yes, she needs help cause she's wanted for sacrifice..
Playing with the 10 years old girl is sooo frustrating, because she can't fight, she can't defend herself, nothing. You can only sneak using her, and once she sees an enemy, she just screams and the game is over. Playing with adult characters is much better but she also annoys you when she follows you and you have to watch over her.
You beat all types of enemies (when you're an adult character, of course) with your weapons, which can be anything like a kettle or a bowling trophy or anything your hand can take.
It's amazing that this game introduces people to Japanese culture, because I for one learned a whole lot just from exploring the places and the houses.
So in conclusion I'd say that this game is worth your attention, don't miss it out.