I bought this game under a recommendation from a friend. I don't know what I was thinking. This game has a couple cool elements to it but for the most part it is pretty boring and tedious. And the story...don't even get me started on the story. When I say tedious I mean that this game is pretty unforgiving and I've played a lot of unforgiving games before but this one takes the cake. For some reason these Japanese people are British? Riiiight. Its unfortunate that I didn't find much to like about Siren as I really liked the premise. This isn't a survival horror game, it should be called "stealth horror" because killing to stay alive isn't the point. Combats not really fun anyways so I'm not complaining. In the end, this game is maybe worth a rental if the idea intrigues you. If it doesn't, stay away.
Siren is set in a mysterious village named Hanuda which seems peaceful until a blood-curling siren screams in the night air and the villagers are being lead towards the red sea which should not have existed...they soon c... Read Full Review
These days it seems like the Japanese have become the torch-bearers for quality horror movies. Frankly, the American formula was getting a bit old, a bit unimaginative, and a bit too action-oriented. Often times, I canno... Read Full Review